NRCC Launches Robo-Calls Against Martha Robertson Ahead of Scandalous Fundraiser

September 25, 2013


 WASHINGTON – The National Republican Congressional Committee is launching robo-calls to tens of thousands of voters in New York’s 23rd District encouraging them to contact Martha Robertson and demand that she cancel her upcoming fundraiser headlined by convicted child molester Peter Yarrow.

Yarrow was convicted and served a prison sentence for molesting a 14-year-old girl in 1970; Yarrow was 32 at the time. Robertson has repeatedly refused to comment on the decision to bring in Yarrow for the fundraiser and has thus far resisted pressure to cancel the event.

The robo-calls will launch today, and will last through the weekend informing District 23 residents of Robertson’s poor and wildly inappropriate judgment call and providing a number for concerned voters to contact Robertson and voice their concerns.

 “Martha Robertson should be ashamed of herself for having a convicted child molester headline her fundraiser,” said NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior. “Hard working families in Western New York and the Southern Tier are looking for Congressional leaders that will help them to protect their children, and by not cancelling this fundraiser Robertson is sending a clear message to those same families that their values and concerns don’t matter to her.”

Martha Robertson for Congress