Do you live in one of the 36 states where ObamaCare is raising the cost of your healthcare?

September 25, 2013

Today, the House Ways and Means Committee released information detailing the premium increases and changes for Americans across the country thanks to ObamaCare.

Committee Chairman Dave Camp addressed the Administration’s admittance that premiums will in fact, not go down for most Americans.

Camp said, “Today, the Administration confirmed that the President will not keep his promise that Americans will see a $2,500 decrease in their premiums.  Their announcement made clear that Americans across the country will pay more for health care.  Hardworking people in the state of Michigan could pay 50 percent more than they do today.  Americans need relief from this unworkable law, that is only fair.”

Young people will feel the hike increase the most – check out the chart below from the Ways and Means Committee that details what it will be like for a 27 year old living under ObamaCare:


ObamaCare Chart

Additionally, for more state by state information on rate hikes, check out this map put together by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research.