4 States Struggling With the Failed ObamaCare Rollout

October 2, 2013

The reports of Americans across the country who have been struggling with the healthcare roll out since it went live continue to roll in – without signs of slowing.

These four states are the latest to join the ranks of states who have been trudging through the exchange sign ups throughout the day.

Check them out:


“I’m concerned about the delay knowing there was a large Latino community that needed it. I don’t think that was very well planned,” said Maria Pinzon, executive director of the Hispanic Services Council in Tampa.




A spokesman for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana — one of four companies providing insurance through the exchange in Louisiana — said no one among about a dozen testers of the system was able to complete a transaction early Tuesday.




None of this is likely to inspire confidence among New Jerseyans who already have questions about how Obamacare will work. “From what I understand, initially it’s expensive but there’s some kind of rebate,” said Kara Manz. “Outside of that, I really don’t know much about it.” Tom Glenn added, “Everything I see says I’m going to be paying more. So I’m not optimistic, although I’d like to be surprised.”





The Affordable Care Act health insurance exchange intended to serve Pennsylvania got off to a rough start.

As of late Tuesday morning, attempts to reach health insurance plans available to Pennsylvania residents were met with this message: “Please wait … We have a lot of visitors on our site right now and we’re working to make your experience here better. Please wait here until we send you to the login page. Thanks for your patience!”