Even Jon Stewart Wants To Delay the Individual ObamaCare Mandate

October 8, 2013

When even Daily Show host Jon Stewart begins to ask why big business has received an ObamaCare delay that isn’t being offered to individuals, you know the White House is on shaky ground.

Stewart sat down with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Monday night and proceeded to grill her on why the ObamaCare launch has been such a failure.

“I’m going to attempt to download every movie ever made, and you’re going to try to sign up for Obamacare, and we’ll see which happens first,” Stewart began the interview, a reference to the infamous technological glitches that have characterized ObamaCare since its launch.

Later, Stewart brought up the fact that big business has received an ObamaCare delay that the White House has not offered to families. “If I’m an individual that doesn’t want this, it would be hard for me to look at a big business getting a waiver.”

At one point, Sebelius’ dancing around the question prompted Stewart to ask “am I a stupid man?”

Watch the whole exchange below.