Let’s Play A Game – Who Said This?

October 18, 2013

“You cannot find better evidence that Andrew [Romanoff] is a dishonest, career politician than his admission that he would TQundermine his entire campaign platform (to not accept PAC money), and presumably his beliefs in order to win. Some Coloradans have cast their ballots based on this commitment that Andrew has now gone back on.”

Is it?

A)    NRCC Spokesman Tyler Q. Houlton

B)    The National Republican Senatorial Committee

C)    Democratic Senator Michael Bennet’s spokesman Trevor Kincaid.

If you guessed C, you’re a winner. Andrew Romanoff continues to break his pledge to Coloradans not to accept special interest PAC money.

Andrew Romanoff is so dishonest with Colorado voters even his own party condemns his actions. Hardworking Colorado families know Andrew Romanoff is just another professional politician bought and paid for by Washington special interests.