Nancy Pelosi: Maybe ObamaCare’s Implementation Wasn’t So Fabulous After All

October 20, 2013

This morning on ABC’s This Week, Nancy Pelosi made a seismic shift in describing ObamaCare’s implementation.

Earlier this year, the law was in such shambles it was described as a “train wreck” by a leading Democrat senator and major components were delayed by the Obama administration in a stunning admission  of failure.

All the while though, Nancy Pelosi maintained the law’s rollout was just “fabulous.”

JUNE 2013: “The implementation of this is fabulous,” Pelosi said.

Today, however, she called the complete cyber-mess that is the ObamaCare website “unacceptable” and instructed that “it must be fixed.”

TODAY: This is unacceptable. It has to be changed, but any system that deals with that many millions of people frequently does have a glitch. Again this is unacceptable. It must be fixed.”

Glad to see she’s finally acknowledging reality and the disaster that this law’s implementation has become.

Rex Ryan confused