Martha Robertson: Government Should Run All Health Care

November 13, 2013


This really has not been a banner start for the Martha Robertson campaign. First she brings a convicted child molester in for a fundraiser. Then she sends out an email solicitation for money in which she falsely accused people of a crime. Next came the calls for a federal investigation into whether Robertson’s email constituted federal wire fraud.

So what could go wrong now? Well, Obamacare is obviously a huge problem for Democrats everywhere, but for candidates like Martha Robertson it’s an even bigger problem. That’s because Robertson supports a Canadian-style single payer system in where everyone has to go to the government for health insurance.

If people think things are bad now, just imagine how things would be if Robertson had her say. No one would be able to keep their health care plan!

NRCC Comment: “Even though Obamacare is getting worse and worse by the day with millions losing their health care plans, Martha Robertson supports an even more radical health care overhaul in which everyone would be forced off their insurance and on to a one-size-fits-all government insurance plan. Robertson needs to explain to voters why they shouldn’t have the right to choose their health insurance and should trust her to do it for them.”  – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior

Martha Robertson for Congress