Nick Rahall breaks promise to 8,800 West Virginians

November 13, 2013

It can’t be a good start to Nick Rahall’s day when he picks up the Charleston Daily Mail and sees the headline “Plans cancelled for 8,800 in state.” And if he turned on the television and watched Morning Joe, he would have seen that headline again.

Of course, let’s not forget that it was Rahall who mimicked President Obama and promised West Virginians that those who like the health insurance that they have could keep it.

Unfortunately, close to 9,000 West Virginians just found out the hard way that Rahall is not fighting for them – he’s fighting for President Obama.

NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall needs to provide answers to the 8,800 West Virginians who are losing their health insurance despite Rahall’s promise that ‘those who like what they have would be able to keep it.’ This is just the latest example of Rahall loyally working for Barack Obama and against West Virginian families.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior

Nick Rahall for Congress