OFA Irony: Obama Hosted a Call for ObamaCare Supporters, Website Crashes

November 19, 2013

We would hope that after a month and a half of drowning in headline of glitches, crashes and errors, the one thing Organizing for America would make sure it got right on President Obama’s conference call with supporters was a functioning website.

It turns out they couldn’t even get that right, as disillusioned Obama supporters across the country tweeted and posted that the site they were supposed to use to hear the President speak wasn’t working.

From the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — Some supporters who tried to log in to hear President Obama defend his embattled health care law on Monday night were unable to hear him because the website of the group behind the call, Organizing for Action, failed to work for them.

The website problems were an inconvenient moment for a president who has spent the last six weeks trying to explain the failure of HealthCare.gov, the online marketplace for Mr. Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Even if everyone had been able to access the call, they still would have been disappointed.

From Red Alert Politics:

President Barack Obama hosted an Organizing for Action internet call for supporters on Monday night, intending to fire them up about the Affordable Care Act. But the POTUS apparently couldn’t even fire himself up, delivering lackluster, rambling remarks that lasted just over 10 minutes.

During the static-plagued call — which more closely resembled FDR’s crackly fireside chats than anything in the 21st Century — the President called on OFA members to keep fighting for his signature healthcare law. Sounding undeniably discouraged, he thanked them for their support.