How Annie Kuster’s Benghazi Dodge Went Viral

December 10, 2013

As of this post, the below video of Annie Kuster avoiding questions about Benghazi has “gone viral” and garnered over 200,00 views (sorry, its probably even more now – we can’t keep up!). Here’s how it happened:

WMUR Political Reporter James Pindell tweets out the video and correctly predicts that the video is “viral bad.” At the time, the video had 32 views.


Next, the NRCC posted the video on its website.




Shortly thereafter, America Rising posted the link and added this perfect GIF.

Kuster Gif


It wasn’t long before the blogger community picked it up, including Yid With LidTownhall, The Blaze, The Mental RecessionIndependent Journal Review, Moe Lane, Red StateLonely Conservative, Breitbart, NH Patch, and the National Review OnlineThen the New Hampshire media started reporting it on their websites, like the Union Leader and WMUR. Finally, Kuster made the Drudge Report.


 But soon the Kuster video made its way to television, first for WMUR in New Hampshire . . .

…then on Fox and Friends nationally.

Fox and Friends


And that his how Annie Kuster’s pathetic dodge on Benghazi went viral.

Annie Kuster for Congress