Chairman Walden’s Statement on Congressman Bill Owens’s Retirement Announcement

January 14, 2014

WASHINGTON – National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Greg Walden released the following statement today on Democrat Congressman Bill Owens’s announcement that he will not seek re-election in 2014:

“Bill Owens would rather leave the House than lose an election. Make no mistake, Owens’s retirement is a massive blow to Democrats’ ever-dwindling hopes for the 2014 election. Clearly vulnerable Democrats would rather exit Congress voluntarily than be forced out by voters because of their support for ObamaCare and other disastrous Democrat economic policies. If Democrats in swing districts like the 21st District of New York are heading for the hills, the chances of Nancy Pelosi becoming Speaker of the House have been downgraded again.”

“We look forward to adding another strong Republican leader to the New York delegation this fall.”