ObamaCare Exchange Official Accused of Stealing Funds from Nonprofit Placed on Taxpayer-Funded Administrative Leave

February 12, 2014

An administrator of Connect for Health Colorado, the state’s health insurance exchange, has been accused of stealing large sums of money from a separate nonprofit she managed in Montana and remains on taxpayer-funded administrative leave.

Christa McClure was indicted last month for making a slew of large payments to herself between 2008 and 2010 from Housing Montana, a federally-funded organization.

McClure allegedly billed the nonprofit for her consulting services, even though she was a full-time salaried employee; Even worse, McClure transferred money to family members and used government dollars for her own personal travel expenses. She is also accused of writing herself a check for over $20,000, lying about the number of hours she worked to be compensated more, and even charged local homeowners a fake fee of $750.

Despite the string of serious charges against her, Connect for Health Colorado placed on her on paid administrative leave.  That’s right, after stealing from a federally-funded organization, Christa McClure is reeling in more taxpayer dollars for not coming into work.

The fact that Connect for Health Colorado is dismissing, and even defending McClure’s behavior, is outrageous. A spokesman for the exchange told the Denver Post that in her current role she does not have any contact with the marketplace’s finances.

This is not the first time that a federal official has not been held accountable for inappropriate actions. After the IRS scandal targeting conservative groups broke, the agency placed Lois Lerner on paid leave. Lerner was also entitled to benefits during this time.

Officials who represent the government ought to be held to the highest standards, and if a federal or state employee breaks the code of ethics, they must face the music rather than being handed a tax-payer funded compensation package.

From Denver Post:

A director with Colorado’s health-care exchange was placed on paid administrative leave Tuesday after it was discovered she has been accused of stealing from a nonprofit housing organization she oversaw in Montana.

Christa McClure, 51 is the director of partner engagement for Connect for Health Colorado, the state program that implements the Affordable Care Act in the state.

In her Colorado job, McClure does not have access to any of exchange’s finances, spokesman Ben Davis said. He said the charges against her are “very serious and we are taking this very seriously.”