Does Nick Rahall Think It’s In “Everyone’s Best Interest” to Close Child Care Facilities?

February 20, 2014


When it comes to the effects of Obamacare, Nick Rahall hasn’t been all that sympathetic. It was Rahall who said of West Virginians receiving health insurance cancellation notices “maybe it’s in their best interests to have their plans cancelled.”

So one has to wonder – does Rahall think it is in the best interests of West Virginia families that three daycare centers in West Virginian are shutting down due in part to Obamacare costs?

Maybe Nick should rethink his whole “I don’t regret voting for Obamacare” line.

NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall may not regret voting for Obamacare, but the three West Virginia daycare facilities that are closing because of Obamacare certainly regret Rahall’s vote. While Rahall may think that these devastating effects of Obamacare are in ‘everyone’s best interests’, what is really in their best interests is for Rahall’s political career to end this November.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior