60% of Americans Say ObamaCare Will Raise Healthcare Costs

March 25, 2014

Despite months of flacking from the White House and national Democrat groups, ObamaCare’s not only still suffering from severe unpopularity, but a strong majority of Americans don’t believe the law will even work.

According to a new Morning Consult poll, 60% of Americans believe that ObamaCare will lead to higher healthcare costs. A plurality of voters (37%) also said that the law will have a negative impact on the quality and availability of their healthcare.

With numbers like these, it’s no wonder Democrats are running away from ObamaCare.

From The Hill:

Most voters believe that ObamaCare will lead to higher healthcare costs and lower quality of coverage, according to a new poll.

The survey released Tuesday by The Morning Consult found that 60 percent believe ObamaCare will likely increase their healthcare costs in the long run. Twenty-eight percent said their costs would likely remain unchanged, and 11 said they believed their costs would go down.

Voters also believe the Affordable Care Act’s impact on the quality of and availability of their coverage will be more negative than positive. Only 23 percent said the law would have a positive impact on the quality and availability of their coverage, against 37 percent who said it would have a negative impact. Forty-percent percent said their coverage would likely remain about the same.