This Latest Poll On Obama’s Job Performance Is Really Bad News For Democrats

April 28, 2014

Vulnerable Democrats hoping to get a lift from President Obama in November’s midterms are going to be extremely disappointed, according to the latest poll from National Journal.

According to the poll, Obama’s dismal approval rating is bobbing at just 41%, one of the lowest levels ever recorded since they began polling the President’s job approval in 2009.

Further bad news: only 1 in 4 Americans say Obama’s policies are increasing economic opportunity.

President Obama and House Democrats’ insistence on pursuing their broken economic agenda is only going to hurt their party at the polls.

From National Journal:

Obama’s overall approval, standing at just 41 percent, remains near the lowest level ever recorded in the 20 Heartland Monitor Polls since April 2009. And only one in four adults say his actions are increasing economic opportunity for people like them, also among his worst showings in the polls. His numbers are especially meager among the non-college and older whites that dominate the electorate in the seven red-leaning states where Democrats must defend Senate seats in November…

In the latest poll, Obama also faces a formidable intensity gap that could foreshadow turnout challenges for Democrats: The share of adults who strongly disapprove of his performance (39 percent) is nearly double that of those who strongly approve (21 percent).