More Plagiarism From Staci Appel

May 6, 2014

One day after Staci Appel admitted to plagiarizing a fellow Democrat’s campaign website, more examples of Appel’s plagiarism have surfaced. As a state Senator, Appel copied other Senator’s opinion pieces word-for-word. Please see the examples below and feel free to use the following comment from me as you continue to cover Staci Appel’s plagiarism scandal.

Staci Appel clearly doesn’t have an original idea, which is probably why Nancy Pelosi recruited her to run for Congress – to further her radical agenda without any hesitation. Staci Appel’s long record of plagiarism is a serious problem and should disqualify her from holding public office.


“I am especially proud that this budget gets serious about repaying funds borrowed in previous years. For example, we will repay half of the $300 million recent Legislatures have borrowed from the Senior Living Trust Fund. At the same time, Iowa’s rainy day funds will grow to $578 million, the largest amount ever in the state savings account.” – “The Appel Report,” March 29, 2007


“I am especially proud that this budget gets serious about repaying funds borrowed in previous years. For example, we will repay half of the $300 million recent Legislatures have borrowed from the Senior Living Trust Fund. At the same time, Iowa’s rainy day funds will grow to $578 million, the largest amount ever in the state savings account.” – “From Senator Daryl Beall,” March 28, 2007
“It is important to thank the Democratic and Republican members of Iowa’s Congressional delegation-all but Congressman Steve King- for supporting the bipartisan compromise for children’s health care that passed the U.S. House and Senate. I hope our Congressional delegation will continue to stand by Iowa children and families by backing a veto override later this month.” – “The Appel Report,” Oct. 18, 2007


“It is important to thank the Democratic and Republican members of Iowa’s Congressional delegation-all but Congressman Steve King- for supporting the bipartisan compromise for children’s health care that passed the U.S. House and Senate. I hope our Congressional delegation will continue to stand by Iowa children and families by backing a veto override later this month.” – “Bipartisan Efforts Are Making Iowa Safer,” State Senator Gene Fraise, Oct. 18, 2007
“Senate Democrats are working to crack down on corporations that flagrantly violate U.S. laws, cheat U.S. workers and undermine the standard of living in our communities. Iowa needs to do more to hold corporate executives and employers accountable for hiring undocumented workers in Iowa.” – “The Appel Report,” Feb. 7, 2008


“Senate Democrats are working to crack down on corporations that flagrantly violate U.S. laws, cheat U.S. workers and undermine the standard of living in our communities. Iowa needs to do more to hold corporate executives and employers accountable for hiring undocumented workers in Iowa.” – “Hit Employers of Undocumented Workers,” State Senator Gene Fraise, Feb. 6, 2008
“We are making progress on improving Iowa student achievement. The Legislature is increasing basic state aid to local schools, bringing teacher pay up to 25th in the nation, and making quality preschool available to all Iowa families. The next step is approving statewide curriculum standards. This week, the Senate Education Committee approved a Model Core Curriculum. This curriculum covers kindergarten through 12th grade in math and science. It also includes practical skills needed to be employed and successful in today’s world: literacy in health, finances, civics and technology.” – “The Appel Report,” Feb. 28, 2008


“We are making progress on improving Iowa student achievement. The Legislature is increasing basic state aid to local schools, bringing teacher pay up to 25th in the nation, and making quality preschool available to all Iowa families. The next step is approving statewide curriculum standards. This week, the Senate Education Committee approved a Model Core Curriculum. This curriculum covers kindergarten through 12th grade in math and science. It also includes practical skills needed to be employed and successful in today’s world: literacy in health, finances, civics and technology.” – “The Gronstal Report,” Feb. 24, 2008
“This session is starting off with a great deal of focus on how we should pay for recovery and rebuilding after last summer’s floods and tornadoes. This week we approved $56 million, which will come from the state’s Economic Emergency Fund. Because our budget is tight, our top priorities are helping displaced Iowans find housing and filling the gaps in federal funding.” – “The Appel Report,” Feb. 5, 2009 “This session is starting off with a great deal of focus on how we should pay for recovery and rebuilding after last summer’s floods and tornadoes. This week we approved $56 million, which will come from the state’s Economic Emergency Fund. Because our budget is tight, our top priorities are helping displaced Iowans find housing and filling the gaps in federal funding.” – “The Networker,” Senator Joe Bolkcom, Jan. 29, 2009