Remember When Nick Rahall Was Praising Gina McCarthy?

June 17, 2014

Remember last year when Nick Rahall was spending all that time with Gina McCarthy at the EPA?

In July of 2013 when he joined Nancy Pelosi and incoming EPA head Gina McCarthy at the EPA to listen to former President Bill Clinton “tout past successes and claim some credit for laying the groundwork for President Barack Obama’s push to bypass Congress to implement his climate change agenda.”

After another meeting with McCarthy at the EPA in August of 2013, Rahall said he was hopeful about McCarthy and that “[s]he expressed a genuine willingness to listen, not sit in a room and roll her eyes and fidget around like she can’t wait to get to the next meeting.”

Fast forward to June of 2014 when Obama’s and McCarthy’s EPA proposed sweeping regulations to limit carbon emissions and McCarthy proudly declared that she was indeed waging a war on coal.

So was Rahall merely misled by McCarthy like he claims he was misled by Obama?

Well, as much as he wants to, it’s going to be tough for Rahall to play the fool when he has voted over and over again to limit carbon emissions through cap-and-trade and a carbon tax.

NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall clearly wants voters to think that he was merely bamboozled by Obama and Gina McCarthy on their intentions for the future of coal. But the reality is that it’s going to be tough for Rahall to play the fool when he has been willingly casting vote after vote to limit carbon emissions and end West Virginia’s economy as we know it.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior