Democrats Have A Strategy in West Virginia – Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More

October 3, 2014

Fletcher-ReedeDemocrats are intent on running a smear campaign in the 3rd District of West Virginia and it is clear that no amount of fact checking or media criticism is going to stop their desperation deceptions. After Nick Rahall was blasted by the Washington Post,, and the Charleston Daily Mail for his “sleazy” black lung lies, the DCCC decided to go to the well of deception and air the same misleading attack. And like Rahall’s ad, the ad gets taken down by the Washington Post’s Fact Checker.

But the DCCC’s ad goes even further that Rahall’s, as the Post points out. It attacks Jenkins for receiving campaign donations from Jackson Kelly, PLLC law firm in West Virginia. This is the same firm that has donated thousands more to Democrat Natalie Tennant and Senator Joe Manchin. Oops!

Here is a rundown of the Democrats’ problems with the truth in WV-03:

House Majority PAC Ad in March on Black Lung called “bogus”:

That ad gets pulled:

Rahall ad on Medicare in June gets called out by both and the Washington Post.

This DCCC ad gets pulled from WOAY:

Rahall’s last ad on black lung gets hit again by and Washington Post.

Also of interest, House Majority PAC ad in May on Massey backfires and results in local coverage of Rahall’s investment in the company and him quietly selling his bonds the day after the Upper Big Branch mine collapse:

NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall and his anti-coal, pro-Obama allies are engaged in one of the most dishonest political campaigns in recent memories. Almost every ad aired by Rahall and his friends has been lit up by independent fact checkers and local media, but clearly Rahall is so desperate he is willing going to go out in a blaze of lies, deception, and sleaze.”– NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior