New NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Nick Rahall’s War on Coal

October 7, 2014

Hey there,

The NRCC is up with its fifth television ad in WV-03 (Charleston-Huntington broadcast, Beckley-Bluefield broadcast, and cable). The ad, entitled “Friend of Coal,” highlights Rahall’s out-of-touch statement that Barack Obama “is definitely a friend of coal” and it reminds voters of Rahall’s vote for a carbon tax and a massive EPA budget. Click here or on the screenshot below for the ad.

NRCC Comment:“Even after Barack Obama promised to bankrupt the coal industry, Nick Rahall supported him for president twice, then had the gall to say that Obama was ‘definitely a friend of coal.’ To make matters even worse, Rahall voted for the largest EPA budget in history and a devastating, job-killing carbon tax. If it weren’t clear already, it should be by now – it’s time for Nick Rahall to go.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior


OBAMA: Congressman Nick Rahall, please give him a big round of applause.

ANNCR: Nick Rahall calls Barack Obama a friend of coal.

Rahall said Obama’s EPA is simply doing its job.

Then voted to give the EPA more money to wage their war on coal.

And Rahall even voted for a job killing carbon tax

OBAMA: Congressman Nick Rahall, please give him a big round of applause.

ANNCR: Nick Rahall isn’t with West Virginia anymore.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.