NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Nick Rahall’s War on Coal
Hey there,
The NRCC is out with a new television ad that will run in WV-03; it’s entitled “Right Direction.” The ad uses footage from Nick Rahall’s recent debate where he claimed that West Virginia was “going in the right direction.”
The ad will air in the Beckley-Bluefield and Charleston-Huntington broadcast markets as well as cable. Check out the ad here.
NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall has become a multimillionaire during his almost 40 years in Congress so it’s no surprise that he thinks we’re heading in the right direction. Unfortunately West Virginia’s economy is heading in the wrong direction because of Obama’s war on coal and Rahall’s support for those devastating policies. Fortunately, voters will have the chance to change that on November 4th by retiring Rahall and voting for Evan Jenkins.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior
ANNCR: Under Barack Obama, West Virginia has lost 5,000 coal jobs.
Now Nick Rahall says
RAHALL: We’re going in the right direction.
ANNCR: Easy for him to say.
After voting 11 times to raise his own pay, Rahall’s a multimillionaire.
But the Obama-Rahall war on coal has been devastating for the rest of us.
RAHALL: We’re going in the right direction.
ANNCR: It’s time for a change.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.