Sophomore Gretchen Driskell Wants A Promotion

February 9, 2015

After one term in the Michigan Legislature, Gretchen Driskell already has her sights set on the U.S. Congress.  Well, congrats to her and her blind ambition.  Now she should probably take a minute to figure out how she plans on defending her record.

Let’s start with a few general questions:

Why did Driskell hike taxes on Michigan families?

Why did Driskell give herself a 25% pay raise as Saline Mayor?

Did Driskell turn down her taxpayer-funded state legislator health care plan and instead enroll in Obamacare since she is a stanch supporter of forcing everyone into the plan?

Why did Driskell oppose $20 million in individual tax relief?

Why did Driskell oppose $13 million for Veterans programs?

Why did Driskell oppose $351 million in additional funding for Michigan roads?

But most importantly, what has Gretchen Driskell accomplished during her two short years in the state legislature that makes her think she’s qualified to serve in the United States Congress?

NRCC Comment:  “Gretchen Driskell’s legislative track record shows that she is more interested in appeasing the special interest groups than she is in serving her constituents.  Gretchen Driskell has some explaining to do on what she’s actually accomplished during her two short years in the Michigan Legislature that makes her qualified to serve in Washington.” -NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack