Will Scott Peters return his paycheck?

March 26, 2015

If you were conscious during the 2014 election cycle, you likely heard Scott Peters touting his support for “no budget, no pay” legislation that would prevent lawmakers from receiving their paychecks until Congress passes a budget.no budget no pay

Since Peters voted against every one of the seven budgets considered by the House of Representatives last night, will he now return his paycheck back to the treasury?

Peters was so adamant that lawmakers who don’t pass a budget shouldn’t get paid, he ran a whole TV ad about it.

And he wrote an op-ed about it.

And attacked his opponent with it in this ad.

And mentioned it in this ad as well.

And he made it a key part of his Congressional reform platform.

Scott Peters’ position on “no budget, no pay” is abundantly clear. Will he stand by his campaign promise and forego his $174,000 salary until he is willing to vote on a budget?

NRCC Comment: “Scott Peters embraced “no budget, no pay” legislation while it was a useful political tool and then proceeded to oppose all seven budgets offered in the House. Will Peters stand by his campaign promise and return his taxpayer funded salary until he is willing to take a stand on the budget?” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter


Peters votes against Republican Budget

Peters votes against Democrat Budget

Peters votes against Progressive Budget

Peters votes against Congressional Black Caucus Budget

Peters votes against Republican Study Committee Budget