Are Dems giving up on CA-21?

April 6, 2015

It’s official: the best Democrats can do in CA-21, a district where they hold the registration advantage, is third-tier candidate Daniel Parra, mayor pro tem of Fowler. After being rebuffed by their top two candidates, Democrats have decided to settle for Parra, despite his less than stellar record.surrender

In 2014, Parra ran for County Supervisor, losing by an astounding 24 points after barely squeaking through the primary by 243 votes.  Additionally, Parra’s fundraising skills were lackluster, raising only $119,000 for the race, while his opponent raked in more than $500,000.

Democrats have lost in CA-21 by double digit margins in two consecutive elections – do they really think Parra is going to do any better in 2016?

NRCC Comment: “After being rejected by their first two choices, it seems Democrats have settled on third-tier candidate Daniel Parra, effectively giving up on the 21st District. After big losses in the last two election cycles, all signs point to another embarrassing defeat for Democrats next year.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter