NRCC Weekly Rundown: Melissa Gilbert’s Instagram, DCCC Panics in CA-21, Annette Taddeo Still Not ‘Middle Class’

September 18, 2015


After a jam-packed week, here’s your weekly look at what’s going on across the country:

What Is Going On with Melissa Gilbert?

First off, if Melissa Gilbert’s recent Instagram video is any indication of how she would serve in Congress, it shouldn’t instill too much confidence in Michigan voters. Watch at your own risk.

Meanwhile, fresh off Gilbert hosting her campaign’s first fundraiser in California and thousands of miles from the Southeast Michigan residents she wants to represent, the Detroit Free Press revealed that Gilbert, who owes $360,000 in back taxes, currently has as much as $1.7 million in assets. Why is she waiting nearly a decade to pay them off them? Is she more interested in maintaining her Hollywood lifestyle? Maybe her pampered dog knows the answer…


DCCC and Local CA-21 Dems Butting Heads over Candidate

Central Valley Democrats are standing by Daniel Parra, the mayor pro-tem of Fowler, as their preferred candidate to take on Republican David Valadao (CA-21), but national party leaders are already panicking after Parra’s lackluster fundraising report. Much to the chagrin of local Democrats, the DCCC is now trying to recruit Connie Perez, including meeting with her in Washington, DC later this month. All this could lead to a potentially messy Democratic primary, as Fresno County Democratic party chair quickly accused Perez of living outside the district and switching parties to run. Get your popcorn ready.


Annette Taddeo’s “Middle-Class” Claim Falls Flat… AGAIN!

Multimillionaire Annette Taddeo really wants you to think she’s “middle-class,” as she claimed earlier this year, but her latest financial filing is pulling the curtain back on who she really is. To go with her 6,500 square foot mansion, we now know that she also has more than 50 trust funds to go along with several tax-deferred IRAs and wealth-management accounts, according to SaintPetersBlog. Taddeo’s so desperate to run for office again after her failed bid as Charlie Crist’s running-mate last year that she’s willing to fudge the truth.


Will the DCCC Finally Come Clean for Their Part in Illegal Scheme?

In 2010, the DCCC sent out mailers on behalf of Roly Arrojo, a fake tea-party candidate propped up by Democrats to “siphon votes from Republican David Rivera” and to help the Democrat Joe Garcia. This scheme prompted an FBI investigation. This week, a judge sentenced Arrojo and a former Garcia staffer, Jeffrey Garcia (no relation), to house arrest and probation for their roles in the scheme. Questions remain about the DCCC’s involvement in the scheme, so will they finally come forward with answers to those questions?


Other News and Notes

  • The newly-elected Darin LaHood of Illinois was sworn in on Thursday. LaHood was elected last week to represent the state’s 18th congressional district.
  • New York congressman Dan Donovan’s first bill follows through with a campaign promise to focus on FEMA reform to help those affected by disasters “lessen the burden” and “navigate a flawed bureaucracy.”
  • After meeting with intelligence officials and law enforcement, Arizona’s Martha McSally introduced a bill this week “to improve national security preparedness on the local and federal levels.”
  • John Katko’s airport-security bill is set to be signed in to law after passing in the House this week. The New York congressman’s bill directs the TSA to ensure that U.S. airports and other transportation hubs with high security threats to be equipped and prepared to respond to security threats.
  • Voters in California’s 36th district feel Democratic congressman Raul Ruiz’s in listening to them by voicing his support for the Iran deal, as evidenced by this letter to the editor.