NRCC launches new digital ad highlighting Brad Ashford’s support for sanctuary cities

November 10, 2015

The National Republican Congressional Committee is launching a new ad in the continuing paid ad campaign in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District highlighting Democrat Brad Ashford’s dangerous support of sanctuary cities. This ad is part of an ongoing paid effort to highlight how Ashford is far too liberal for Omaha voters.

“Democrat Brad Ashford’s dangerous support for sanctuary cities is far out of step with the 2nd District and further calls into question Ashford’s judgement. By being willing to flout the rule of law and prevent law enforcement from doing their jobs, Ashford is putting politics before the safety of Omaha families.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter



ANNC: Across America, some cities are safe havens for illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes.

 Crimes such as burglary.

 Aggravated assault. Rape. Even murder.

 In Congress, Brad Ashford could have made these cities enforce immigration laws.

 Instead, Ashford voted with Barack Obama, providing sanctuary to thousands of hardened criminal illegal immigrants.

 Brad Ashford failed.

 And our families are at risk.