Bryan Caforio carpetbags into CA-25, Beverly Hills style

December 10, 2015

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90210Former LA resident and Beverly Hills-barred attorney Bryan Caforio has announced he will run for Congress in CA-25 in an attempt to bigfoot the local Democratic candidates already in the race. National Democrats, unimpressed with their current crop of candidates, have imported cool-kid Bryan Caforio from 90210 in hopes of upping their chances here.

Caforio foolishly thinks he can waltz in like a Yale-educated Dylan McKay and win over 25th District voters in less than a year (think a little more Ivy League and a lot less hair gel). But voters won’t be fooled by Caforio’s new-kid-in-town routine while Rep. Steve Knight, who has lived in and served the community for years, continues to work hard for the 25th District.

“National Democrats were so unimpressed with their current candidates that they had no choice but to carpetbag a Beverly Hills lawyer into town. Caforio may think he’s the cool kid from 90210, but 25th District voters won’t fall for his new-kid-in-town act.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter