Aspiring novelist Steve Israel is already a master of fiction

January 7, 2016

Aspiring novelist and outgoing Congressman Steve Israel may have only written one novel to date, but he’s already a master of the fiction genre.  Israel says retiring during a presidential election cycle will “help assure” that NY-03 is won by a Democrat, but don’t chase that red herring.  Republicans and Democrats see a respective decrease of 2% and 1% of the electorate, while non-affiliated voters see an increase of 3%.

That is why Cook Political Report was quick to change their rating in NY-03 from “Solid Democratic” to the “Toss Up” and the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics moved it from “Safe Democratic” to “Toss-Up”.

Enough with the tall tales, Steve.  Go work on your novel.

NRCC Comment:  “Steve Israel is getting a head start on his new career as a novelist by spreading tales of fiction about electoral turnout in New York’s 3rd District.  Here’s hoping that Israel’s novels will be more believable than his explanations on how retiring from Congress helps Democrats retain control of this seat.” – NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack