Bryan Caforio’s Second Great-Granduncle-In-Law

April 6, 2016

family treeWhen asked about his ties to California’s 25th District, how deep does carpetbagger Bryan Caforio have to dig to show any connection whatsoever to the community he hopes to represent in Congress? None other than his Second Great-Granduncle-In-Law who left Antelope Valley for Los Angeles in 1925, whom Caforio continually references on the campaign trail! Caforio, who badly lost the Democrat endorsement to his primary opponent Lou Vince, has taken heat from local liberal activists for parachuting into the 25th District at the behest of Washington Democrats, yet his best answer is a distant in-law.

When asked about where he’s lived, Caforio rattles off multiple LA neighborhoods, Connecticut for Yale Law School, and Montana to clerk for a judge. Noticeably, none of these places are in the district either. Perhaps that’s why Caforio received no donations from inside the 25th District on his last FEC report – unless you count his wife.

If after continued criticism for his carpetbagging Caforio decides he needs a stronger connection to the 25th District, we’ve heard that Caforio’s barber’s sister’s cat groomer has a friend who dates a guy that lives in the district.

NRCC Comment: “Beverly Hills Trial Lawyer Bryan Caforio is so obviously carpetbagging into the 25th District that his only connection is a distant in-law who left Antelope Valley in 1925. Caforio has virtually no connection to the district he wants to run in and his sad attempts to pretend otherwise only highlight how out of touch he is.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter