Raul Ruiz has an Obamacare problem

May 5, 2016

ruizRaul Ruiz has a problem.  Obamacare is becoming more unpopular by the day, driven by Democrats wanting to run even further to the left on health care, which is downright nuts considering insurers are once again warning that premium rates will soar by double digits thanks to the terrible law. But Ruiz is loyal to his party leaders and has stood by Obamacare, voting against defunding it just last year.

On top of this, Raul Ruiz has fully backed FBI target Hillary Clinton for President. Hillary Clinton is absolutely gung-ho for Obamacare and its terrible side-effects, like the $700 billion dollars in Medicare cuts.  She’s even proudly stated it should be called “HillaryCare” because it was her idea first.

Raul Ruiz might not see a problem with supporting Hillary Clinton and “Hillarycare”, but Californians sure will when they have to shell out more money for healthcare.

NRCC Comment: “Instead of standing with the hardworking Californians, Raul Ruiz has proudly picked Hillary Clinton and Obamacare over his own constituents.  Raul Ruiz might not see a problem with supporting Hillary Clinton and “Hillarycare”, but Californians sure will when they end up draining their bank accounts to pay for healthcare.” – Camille Gallo, NRCC Spokesperson