Why Won’t Ami Bera Return The Cash?

May 18, 2016

donor moneyThe Florida Democratic Party is joining 4 other Democratic groups and candidates in returning campaign donations from “domestic abuser” Ibrahim Al-Rashid, but Ami Bera has yet to return Al-Rashid’s $2600 contribution. So what is taking Bera so long?

Is it because Bera just had to return nearly $270,000 after a major campaign finance scandal?

Because the investigation is ongoing, have Bera’s lawyers advised him not to move campaign cash around? Has the FBI?

Is Al-Rashid one of the donors still under investigation?

So many questions, so few answers by Bera.

NRCC Comment: “After a massive campaign finance scandal, why does Ami Bera refuse to join his fellow Democrats and return campaign contributions from a man who has admitted to assaulting his wife?” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter