John Delaney votes to bring terrorists to the US… AGAIN

May 19, 2016

Yesterday, John Delaney once again voted to close Guantanamo Bay and bring known terrorists onto American soil. That’s at least the 7th time during the 114th Congress that Delaney has supported President Obama’s dangerous plan to close GITMO.


This vote shouldn’t shock 6th District families because John Delaney has an awful national security record. Besides voting multiple times to bring terrorists into our country, he supported the Iran nuclear deal, which John Kerry admits will fund terrorist organizations. He’s also endorsed Hillary Clinton, who like Delaney, wants to welcome terrorists to America and fully embraces the dangerous Iran deal.

Vote after vote, Delaney shows he has no clue how to protect 6th District families. It’s a shame Marylanders aren’t represented by someone who has the experience and national security knowledge to keep them safe.

NRCC Statement: “John Delaney continues voting the wrong way on dangerous issues that puts the safety of Marylanders at risk. It’s clear that John Delaney would rather score points with Hillary Clinton than work in a bipartisan fashion to keep Maryland families safe.” –Camille Gallo, NRCC Spokesperson