Brad Schneider Releases Poll Showing His “Lead” Cut In Half

June 16, 2016

BSToday, Brad Schneider made the “strategic” decision to release an internal poll showing his “lead” in IL-10 being cut in half. In April, the DCCC released a poll showing Schneider “ahead” by 9. Today’s poll showed Schneider “leading” by just 4. That’s right. Schneider’s “lead” is rapidly shrinking to within the margin of error and he’s releasing polls to show it.

Unfortunately for Schneider, his history with internal polling doesn’t back up the underlying assumption that he’s even ahead in the first place. Just weeks before he lost to Dold by 3.2% in the 2014 general election, Schneider released a poll showing him “ahead” by 8 points. That’s an 11 point swing against Schneider.

It certainly doesn’t bode well for Schneider that his own fantastical internal polls show him rapidly losing support among voters. Especially given that the NRCC’s own polling shows Dold leading Schneider by 7 points.

NRCC Comment: “Like a timeshare telemarketer that just won’t lose your number, Brad Schneider is back selling dreams again today with another miraculous poll showing he’s “winning” in a statistical tie with Bob Dold.  Tragically, it looks like his team forgot to tell him that this make-believe poll demonstrates that Brad’s supposed “lead” is now cut in half over the last fake poll he pitched just a month ago.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter