Colleen Deacon’s $18k quid pro quo with Pelosi & Co.

June 30, 2016

During an April 28th interview with TWC News, Colleen Deacon was asked if she thought she could be independent by breaking with Nancy Pelosi if that was required for the people of NY-24. While Deacon’s answer was bad for Central New York, it was good for Deacon’s campaign account which subsequently received $18,700 in campaign donations from Nancy Pelosi & Company.

“…a lot of what the Democratic platform is what I stand for so I don’t know necessarily why I would break away from, umm, why I would want to break way from any of the issues, you know, anything specifically…” Colleen Deacon

Yikes.  At least now we know the going rate for putting Pelosi’s interests ahead of the interests of Central New York families.

NRCC Comment: “It should alarm voters that Colleen Deacon could not think of a single issue where she would break from Nancy Pelosi to work in a bipartisan fashion for Central New York.  If Colleen Deacon and Nancy Pelosi had it their way, they would undo all of the bipartisan accomplishments that John Katko has secured for Central New York during his short time in office.”  –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack