FACT CHECK: Santarsiero voted against $5 million in student loan relief

August 8, 2016

Steve Emails
Steve Santarsiero truly is a tumbleweed blowing in the political winds. He’s allegedly “on a mission” to stop student loan debt in Congress even though he didn’t do a thing to stop it in his 7-plus years as a Harrisburg politician*. Slippery Steve even voted against easing student loan debt on middle income families who need it the most.

Santarsiero voted against a $5 million “Ready to Succeed Scholarship” grant for middle income families earning between $80,000 and $110,000. Families in this income bracket typically have limited help from PHEAA and are left with no other assistance. So when Slippery Steve had a chance to help middle class families with student loan debt, he failed Pennsylvania families once again.

*Visit www.7yearsoffailure.com to see Slippery Steve’s legislative record in his 7-years as a Harrisburg politician

NRCC Comment: “Steve Santarsiero says he wants to address the student loan crisis in Congress but voted against $5 million in student loan relief for middle class families as a Harrisburg politician. Steve Santarsiero is nothing more than a political panderer desperately trying to compensate for his do-nothing record in seven-plus years in Harrisburg.” -NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack