Did you hear about Jim Mowrer’s Death Tax Debacle?

August 8, 2016

This past week, the Obama Administration announced a new set of regulations aimed at strengthening the unpopular “Death Tax,” potentially putting a larger burden on the backs of Iowa’s farmers and small business owners.

This is the same Death Tax Jim Mowrer proudly supported during his failed 2014 congressional campaign, and that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Presidential nominee, believes doesn’t go far enough and should be increased!

Jim Mowrer’s total disregard for the damage this tax would cause to the everyday Iowans is just another reason he is nothing more than a partisan liberal. His utter willingness to fall in line behind unpopular Hillary Clinton just goes to show he cannot be trusted to put 3rd District families first.

NRCC Comment: “Jim Mowrer obviously didn’t get the hint from voters in 2014 that Iowans can’t afford his continued support of the damaging Death Tax. Mowrer should be ashamed to support a policy that only creates a bigger burden on farmers and small business owners and punishes the hard-working people of Iowa’s 3rd District.”– NRCC Spokeswoman Kate Constantini