FACT CHECK: John Delaney votes with Democrats over 90% of the time

August 12, 2016

Someone should tell John Delaney that just because he says something doesn’t make it true.  Yesterday, he told the Herald-Mail, with a completely straight face that, “most of the stuff I’ve done in Congress has been bipartisan. And I think we have to get back to that — we have to get back to working together, to compromising and to getting things done.…jd

Well, it looks like Delaney took a visit to fantasyland because that statement is completely false.  According to the CQ Party Unity Score, John Delaney votes with Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic Party over 90% of the time. And he’s eagerly backed some of the Democratic Party’s most dangerous policies like supporting the Iran Deal, closing GITMO, and relocating known terrorists onto U.S. soil.

NRCC Comment: “John Delaney claims to be bipartisan but he’s voted with the Democratic Party over 90% of the time. Delaney can play pretend all he wants, but he can’t hide the fact that he’s a career politician, who’d rather toe the party line than work across the aisle to get things done.” –NRCC Spokesperson Camille Gallo