What does Santarsiero have against Bucks County wineries?

August 18, 2016

napa-valleyTomorrow, Steve Santarsiero will be leaving southeast Pennsylvania, traveling to California to hobnob with Nancy Pelosi in the Napa Valley. Santarsiero will be a guest of honor at a cocktail reception in the home of Nancy Pelosi. Since Pelosi is welcoming Santarsiero into her home to drink fancy wine, will he repay her by pledging to cast his first vote in the House to re-install her as Speaker?

And what does Santarsiero have against Bucks County wineries? Maybe when he gets back home, he can check out the Bucks County Wine Trail – it seems pretty nice!

NRCC Comment: “We truly hope that Steve Santarsiero enjoys his time away from Southeast Pennsylvania to hobnob with Nancy Pelosi in her home. When Santarsiero is done drinking Napa Valley wine with Nancy Pelosi, maybe he can check out the many wineries in Bucks County.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack