Why does Gretchen Driskell hate Kentucky dogs?

August 23, 2016

This is Madison the dog.Madison

Madison is a recurring celebrity dog on the blog, Beautiful By Design.
madison chair

Madison is from Taylorsville, KY.
taylorsville map

(That’s about 359 miles from MI-07 candidate Gretchen Driskell’s hometown.)

Madison loves being outside.
madison outside

And chillin’ out in wagons.
madison wagon

 And running around in grass and stuff.
madison grass

And posing in patriotic photos.
madison patriot

Patriotic photos of houses in KENTUCKY that Gretchen Driskell uses in her campaign in MICHIGAN, in fact.
driskell website

Except something is missing — where is Madison the dog?!

Driskell stole a photo of Madison’s home, but she can’t even keep Madison in the photo?
stephanie tanner

But seriously – couldn’t Driskell have just taken a photo in Michigan instead of using one of a house in Kentucky?
