Remember that $400 million ransom payment to Iran?

September 7, 2016

iran deal

While House Democrats were busy continuing to support President Obama’s disastrous Iran nuclear deal, the administration revealed that the $400 million cash ransom payment to the state sponsor of terrorism was really only a down payment.

The Obama administration has now admitted that it actually sent two more planes full of cash to Iran in the days following that country’s release of U.S. hostages, for a total payment of $1.7 billion, all in completely untraceable foreign cash. While sending billions of dollars in cash to a hostile nation that is one of the world’s leading state sponsors of terrorism is never a good idea, it is especially worrying when our Secretary of State has already acknowledged that sanctions relief would likely fund terrorist groups!

With this shocking new revelation, will House Democrats continue to stand with President Obama on his dangerous deal with Iran? Or will they finally see reason and support commonsense legislation to ensure that Iran is held accountable and sanctions relief will not fund terrorist activities against the U.S. or our allies?

NRCC Comment: “With each passing week it becomes more and more apparent that President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran was a dangerous mistake, yet House Democrats continue to stand firmly behind it. House Democrats’ support for the Iran nuclear deal, despite the administration’s admission that it will likely fund terrorism sets a dangerous precedent and makes the U.S. and our allies less safe.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera