Two more released GITMO detainees return to terror – Rick Nolan votes to release more

September 15, 2016


Yesterday, the Obama administration admitted that two more terrorists released from GITMO rejoined militant groups in the first half of 2016. Surely, this should be enough to convince any sane person that GITMO should remain open, and the dangerous terrorists held there should remain…right?

Well, just minutes ago, Rick Nolan voted against a bill that would have temporarily prohibited further releases from GITMO, once again standing behind President Obama’s dangerous plan to close the facility and bring the remaining terrorists held there, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to facilities on U.S. soil.

Today’s vote once again shows that Rick Nolan’s extreme foreign policy positions are dangerously out of step with Minnesota voters.

NRCC Comment: “Less than 24 hours after the Obama administration revealed that two more terrorists have returned to the fight against America and our allies after being released from GITMO, Rick Nolan has voted, once again, to close the facility and transfer out the dangerous terrorists held there. Rick Nolan’s extreme foreign policy views are dangerously out of touch, and make our country less safe.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera