BONUS EDITON of Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

September 21, 2016

We are back by popular demand for a bonus edition of Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite, who again is treating Upstate voters like they are dumb.


As noted on Twitter by Dave Weigel, Teachout has put “B-Roll” footage online for special interest Super PACs to use in order to make television ads on her behalf.

Check out the footage here. By Teachout putting the footage on YouTube, she knows it is entering the public domain, which special interest Super PACs need since they are not legally not allowed to coordinate with Teachout. It’s another hypocritical move for Teachout, who has feigned outrage with Super PACs despite taking thousands of dollars from Super PACs and holding fundraisers with the billionaire Soros Super PAC family.

NRCC Comment: “Zephyr Teachout is truly a pandering hypocrite treating Upstate voters like they are dumb. Zephyr Teachout says she is against Super PACs despite taking money from Super PAC donors, having Super PAC donors hold Manhattan fundraisers on her behalf, and now making campaign footage available for Super PACs to use in TV ads.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack

Vol. 1 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 2 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 3 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 4 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

Vol. 5 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 6 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 7 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 8 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

Vol. 9 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 10 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 11 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 12 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

Vol. 13 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 14 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 15 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 16 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 17 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

Vol. 18 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 19 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 20 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite