January 5, 2017

Tom Suozzi has never been one to care about the pocketbooks of Long Island families. One needs to look no further than his disastrous tenure as Nassau County Executive where he raised taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars. So it should come as no surprise when he said this morning that he wants to amend Obamacare instead of replacing it.


Since Suozzi has “always” said this, what’s his plan to “mend” the following?

NRCC Comment: “Tom Suozzi has demonstrated throughout his tenure as a career politician that he does not care about the pocketbooks of Long Island families. Since Suozzi thinks keeping Obamacare is a good idea, he should tell Long Island families what his plan is for skyrocketing health care costs that have resulted thanks to Obamacare.” – NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack