move the plant back to Mexico! – Slotkin and Pelosi

April 4, 2018

Today Nancy Pelosi promised that Democrats would repeal the GOP tax bill if Democrats retake the House. This is the same tax bill that has allowed hundreds of companies to reward their workers with raises and bonuses. Also the same tax bill that has given Americans across every tax bracket a pay raise.

This leaves me wondering….does Pelosi’s handpicked candidate, Elissa Slotkin, agree with her?

In Slotkin’s own words: “I have said from the beginning: I am in support of tax reform that will actually help working Americans. But this bill simply does not live up to the rhetoric.”

This leads me to believe that if elected, Slotkin would be front and center with Pelosi working to repeal and replace Michiganders’ tax cuts with higher taxes. And that she would send the new Fiat Chrysler plant from Michigan back to Mexico.