see you in court

April 27, 2018

Gil Cisneros is creating a reputation for himself as a sue-happy fat cat.

After filing suit against two of his progressive primary opponents a month ago over ballot descriptions, Gil is threatening The Intercept with a cease-and-desist letter over their recent story saying Cisneros left a “groggy” voicemail for an opponent’s wife threatening to “go negative.”

Read the full cease-and-desist letter here: Page 1 / Page 2.

The letter alleges The Intercept “implies that he was intoxicated when making the call,” even though no references to alcohol or its consumption can be found anywhere within the story.

Is Gil covering up for more bad behavior we don’t yet know about? Is his candidacy about to tank just as the Washington establishment endorsed him over his progressive primary challengers just last week?

The letter ends by threatening that if The Intercept refuses to issue a retraction and apology by 3 pm today, Cisneros will “pursue all legal right and remedies,” so we’ll know more soon…