So we’re murdering newborns now?

January 30, 2019

Democrats have reached a new and disgusting low. They have a presented a bill that would allow killing a baby AFTER he or she is born.

And the state’s Governor, Dr. Ralph Northam, who’s been ordained a “moderate” by the press, supports this form of legal murder.

So, this only begs the question, as the Democratic Party becomes more and more radicalized, do Virginia Democrats like Elaine Luria, Abigail Spanberger, and Jennifer Wexton support their party’s newborn-killing platform?

NRCC Comment: “The Democratic Party has become so extreme they are now openly supporting the murder of newborn babies. It’s time for Virginia Democrats like Luria, Spanberger, and Wexton to denounce their radical colleagues or be complicit in these vile acts.”—NRCC Spokeswoman Camille Gallo