Can you hear me now?

February 6, 2019

Democrats woke up to brutal headlines this morning as they continue to duck questions about Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax’s accuser in the #MeToo era.

Democrats are at such a loss some have even resorted to clearly faking phone calls to avoid questions from reporters while others, like Virginia Congresswomen Elaine Luria and Abigail Spanberger adorned in white, haven’t said a peep about the accuser.

Whatever happened to #BelieveWomen?

NRCC Comment: “Democrats would rather duck for cover and fake phone calls than speak out on an alleged sexual assault involving one of their own. These Democrats, like Elaine Luria and Abigail Spanberger, can wear white and tweet out cute hashtags all they want but it’s becoming painfully obvious their party doesn’t practice what it preaches.”—NRCC Spokeswoman Camille Gallo