NRCC Weekly Rundown: Socialist dumpster fire begins
And here’s this week’s edition of the NRCC Weekly Rundown:
National: We now have a cost estimate for the government takeover of the economy, commonly referred to as the Green New Deal. According to a report from American Action Forum, the radical government takeover of the economy that will abolish farting cows and rebuild every building in America will cost between $51 trillion and $93 trillion. To put that in perspective, in 2017 the entire U.S. GDP was $19.39 trillion!
National: The House Natural Resources Committee hearing addressing climate change was adjourned early after ONLY TWO Democrats bothered showing up. House Democrats certainly have a funny way of dealing with what they have called “a life or death issue.”
National: The socialist Democratic caucus introduced their single-payer bill, “Medicare for All” this week. Their government takeover of the health care system will eliminate private insurance and turn trips to the doctor into a bureaucratic nightmare. And, as a cherry on top, the plan requires free abortions for illegal immigrants.
National: House Democrats were ready to deliver for their sugar daddy Michael Bloomberg this week, as they prepared to pass gun control legislation that will curb folks’ Second Amendment rights. Bloomberg made it his goal to bankroll gun-hating liberals last cycle, donating $112 million to Democrats, including $56 million directly to House Democrats. It’s a good reminder that every time Democrats cry wolf over the influence of big money in politics, it should ring as hollow as Bloomberg’s stint in the GOP.
National: House Democrats continued to fracture after losing ANOTHER vote on the floor to Republicans. And in true liberal fashion, instead of figuring out a way to keep their conference in order, Nancy Pelosi and her band of socialists are looking to abolish the current rules to keep from further public embarrassment. Now Pelosi is threatening to withhold support from any Democrat who fails to fall in line. Meanwhile, AOC is making a list and checking it twice.
National: The liberal hacks at PolitiFact were at it again, this time acting as a socialist propaganda machine gaslighting about the $93 trillion Green New Deal. PolitiFact says it is false that the Green New Deal aims to end air travel, even though the FAQ document released with the Green New Deal explicitly says it aims to “build out high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary.”
National: The socialist Democrats’ resident anti-Semite Ilhan Omar continued her bigotry this week. Despite apologizing twice for her past anti-Semitic comments, on Wednesday Omar moved on from spewing anti-Semitic tropes to accusing Israel supporters of dual-loyalty, saying they are pushing for “allegiance to a foreign county.” She then took a break from her anti-Semitism to back a murdering socialist dictator.
CA-21: We all know how excited TJ Cox was to take on the climate change deniers during his FIRST HEARING as Chair of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. TJ tweeted about it A LOT. Like here, here, here and here. Apparently TJ’s fellow Democrats on the committee aren’t as excited to battle climate change… because TJ couldn’t even get them to show up! Case closed, committee adjourned.
IA-03: With House Democrats pushing further and further left, it looks like Cindy Axne is already contemplating giving up on trying to win reelection in her Republican-leaning district. Iowa Starting Line reports that Axne is being courted by Chuck Schumer and the DSCC to run in a longshot campaign for Senate, where she could join Democrat efforts to allow the murder of newborns. Given the direction of her caucus, this prospect could prove more attractive than attempting to defend socialist policies being pushed by the Democratic majority in the House like the Green New Deal and eliminating private health insurance.
MN: Minnesota Democrats continue to stay quiet on the anti-Semite in their delegation sitting on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Despite years of conversations with her own constituents, a recent face-to-face with her Jewish American colleague and her own numerous apologies, Ilhan Omar continues her bigotry, from spewing anti-Semitic tropes to accusing Israel supporters of dual-loyalty, saying they are pushing for “allegiance to a foreign county.”
MN: In a stunning display of extremism, Minnesota Senator Tina Smith spoke out on the Senate floor against legislation that would require doctors to provide life-saving medical care for newborn babies who survive a failed abortion. This all begs the question: Do Angie Craig, Dean Phillips and Collin Peterson want to murder newborns, too?
MN-07: Pro-Ag, which recommended cranky Collin Peterson to be Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, warned Peterson he must “divorce himself from what some of his members are advocating and concentrate on doing more for dairy farmers.” But instead of focusing on dairy farmers, who are committing suicide at an alarmingly high rate, cranky Collin remains distracted by his socialist colleagues as they advocate for abolishing farting cows, raise money for terrorists and legalize infanticide.
News and Notes:
64 percent say Democratic Party supports socialism, says poll
Nearly two-thirds of registered voters in a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill believe that the Democratic Party supports socialism.
“This could be the single most significant finding this cycle that the Democratic Party has let its image slide into being seen as a party supporting socialism by almost two-thirds of the voters,” Penn said. “This puts socialism on the ballot unless the Democratic Party moves back to the center and socialism is a losing proposition with the American electorate.” READ
Surprise GOP tactical win in House exposes divisions in Democratic leadership
A surprise Republican win in the House on a procedural vote Wednesday exposed divisions within the Democratic leadership, set off recriminations and underscored that the party is still adjusting to its new majority.
Hours after Wednesday’s votes, the National Republican Congressional Committee criticized Rep. Sean Casten (D-Ill.) as voting “to keep law enforcement in the dark when illegal immigrants try to unlawfully purchase a gun.” The news release did not describe the vote as procedural. READ
Party unity on congressional votes takes a dive: CQ Vote Studies
After Democrats and Republicans reached record highs sticking together by party on congressional votes in 2017, those numbers nose-dived in 2018 as lawmakers worked across the aisle on high-profile legislation, including a rewrite of the Dodd-Frank financial law, a package dealing with the opioid crisis, spending bills and an overhaul of the country’s criminal justice laws.
A number of names on that list, like Murphy, O’Halleran and Peterson, were targeted by Republicans in 2018, but they survived nevertheless. The first list released by the National Republican Congressional Committee earlier this month includes all three again this year, and 52 others, the majority freshman.
In a release targeting the Democrats, the NRCC made it clear how they are going to go after them in 2020, by holding “these targeted members accountable for the radical policies being pushed by the socialist Democrats in their party.” READ
Dems Lose ‘Embarrassing’ Gun Control Amendment Vote After Multiple Defections
In a rare move, a Republican amendment to gun legislation brought to House floor by Democratic leadership was adopted after multiple defections from moderate Democrats.
The National Republican Congressional Committee telegraphed then that the vote would force Democrats to adopt other motions, arguing, “Democrats can no longer claim that these types of votes are merely procedural and not substantive.” READ
Rep. Wexton gave campaign donation linked to Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax to charity
Of the seven Virginia Democrats in the U.S. House who called on Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax to resign in the face of sexual assault allegations, only Rep. Jennifer Wexton has responded to questions about campaign cash she received from Fairfax, saying she donated the money to a charity.
“Now, Wexton needs to publicly call on her Democratic colleagues to return the money — just like she did with Comstock last fall,” NRCC spokeswoman Camille Gallo said Wednesday. READ
‘This is not a day at the beach’: Pelosi tells moderate Dems to stop voting with GOP
House Democrats held an emotional debate behind closed doors Thursday over how to stop losing embarrassing procedural battles with Republicans — a clash that exposed the divide between moderates and progressives.
And Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the superstar New York freshman Democrat, suggested she would alert progressive activists when Democrats are voting with the GOP on these motions, said the sources.
Inside the meeting, Ocasio-Cortez said she has “a text chain with 200 activists in her district” that she’s in constant contact with on issues facing Democrats. READ
New ‘Medicare-for-all’ bill would largely outlaw private insurance
House Democrats on Wednesday unveiled their latest “Medicare-for-all” bill — a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system that would largely outlaw private insurance as part of what critics call a one-size-fits-all government takeover.
“Medicare for all will eliminate private insurance, make trips to the DMV look like a Caribbean vacation and cost taxpayers trillions. Good luck to the vulnerable House Democrats who will be forced to defend this $32 trillion boondoggle,” National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement. READ
Chris Pack
Communications Director
National Republican Congressional Committee
(202) 479-7080