Dean Phillips votes to give $5 million to… himself?
Today, Dean Phillips and his fellow Democrats passed H.R. 1, their first major legislation of the new Congress.
Phillips preaches about wanting to get money out of politics, but the bill he was first in line to support puts MORE money into politics – 6x more. The best part? American taxpayers will be covering the cost.
That’s right. H.R. 1 would funnel up to $5 million to Phillips’ and other socialist Democrats’ campaign accounts, forcing the American public to foot the bill for Phillips’ TV ads, fundraisers, mail to voters and even his personal expenses, including health care.
The bill is so extreme that it was even opposed by the liberal ACLU which warned it would “unconstitutionally infringe the freedoms of speech and association.”
NRCC Comment: “If Dean Phillips really wanted to get money out of politics, he would not be supporting a bill that requires taxpayers to pay for his campaign. But today’s vote made clear that Phillips came to Washington to work for himself, not Minnesotans.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Carly Atchison