“enemy of the working poor”
Shalala has been decrying the miserable working conditions that
employees have endured at Miami International Airport.
But it turns out when Shalala was President of the University of Miami she
wasn’t exactly a champion of the working class.
In fact during a labor dispute, the University chaplain called her “an enemy of the working poor,”
others referred to her as a union-buster and the school’s janitors went
on a hunger strike to protest poor working conditions.
And where was Donna during all this? Making more than half-a-million dollars
and living in the 9,000 square foot Presidential mansion. Her dog, Sweetie,
even had four separate beds. What a life!
NRCC Comment: “Donna Shalala isn’t some champion of the working class, she’s
just another phony politician.” –NRCC Spokeswoman Camille Gallo