this is never a good sign
Sean Patrick
Maloney’s pick for president, Beto O’Rourke, today unleashed his plan to combat
climate change, which would be a radical government takeover that will strangle
job creation and saddle taxpayers with a $5 trillion tab.
Want to know how insane Sean Patrick Maloney’s position on the issue is?
Maloney’s preferred socialist option the Green New Deal, which he proudly cosponsors, costs $88 trillion MORE than O’Rourke’s insane plan.
NRCC Comment: “It’s never a good sign when the socialist policy you
cosponsored costs $88 trillion more than the crazy plan being introduced by the
socialist presidential candidate you backed, but that’s the case for Sean
Patrick Maloney. Maloney is more than happy to bankrupt his constituents to pay
for every socialist environmental policy that comes across his desk.” –
NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams